Benefits and care of a lucky bamboo plant

A home is a place where people want to feel at peace and relaxed for that they tend to decorate their house or rooms in a way that will make them feel relaxed and calm.
The best way of feeling peace is growing plants, plants will provide fresh oxygen that will automatically relax your mind. This the reason that these people not only maintain a small garden in their house but also keep some indoor plants as well.

Keeping indoor plants in the room keeps the air of the room fresh and pure. And it is a great interior decoration as well.
Many people love greenery in their rooms and keep small indoor plants that add value to their beautiful rooms. Normally people think that plants will occupy a lot of space and they have a small home so they can’t keep indoor plants. But, there are many indoor plants that occupy very little space, can be kept on a side table or a corner table. Like Pilea, Sweetheart plant, Snake Plant, Cacti, Lucky bamboo, etc.

This article will cover all types of details of Lucky bamboo.

Lucky Bamboo’s actual name is Dracaena sanderiana. The plant is commonly marketed as “lucky bamboo”. According to Fengshui, it is an auspicious plant that will bring positive energy to the house or office. The plant has become the most popular indoor plant in certain parts of India, where the plants are usually imported from China and Taiwan. Don’t go by the name it is not a type of bamboo it is a type of grass.

The Lucky Bamboo is actually a small plant, which was believed to bring good luck and fortune in ancient China. This is why this plant was placed in pots in certain parts of the house so that the family or house owner to enjoy the prosperity it brings, according to Feng Shui practices. So, the lucky bamboo is original from Africa and belongs to the Dracaena family. Its special appearance is due to the way it was cultivated.

It is a herb of a height of around 100 cm, the plant has slightly twisted leaves of grey-green color, with a length of which is up to 23 cm. It requires bright, ventilated areas. It tolerates dry air and does not require constant spraying. A very tenacious plant, it is rather difficult to destroy it.

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Why Chinese lucky bamboo is lucky?

In Chinese culture, lucky bamboo symbolizes good fortune, and feng shui practitioners use it to attract positive energy. The number of stalks has different meanings :

2 stalks symbolize love or double luck
3 stalks bring 3 kinds of luck: happiness, long life, and wealth
4 stalks are bad luck; they bring negative energy and are thought to be a death wish!
5 stalks balance 5 areas of health: emotional, spiritual, mental, intuitive, and physical
6 stalks attract prosperity and wealth
7 stalks promote good health
8 stalks are good for success, growth, and fertility
9 stalks bring great luck
10 stalks bestow a complete and perfect life
21 stalks are for great wealth and enduring health

How to plant Lucky Bamboo?

It is very easy to plant the herb at home just follow these steps :

  • You can plant it in water as well as soil.
  • If you are planting in water then use some pebbles to hold the stem in place.
  • Add enough water to cover the roots.
  • Filtered water is best. If your tap water has chlorine then use distilled water.
  • A clear container makes it easy to see the roots and check the water level, but it can also cause algae to grow, so you may want to use a colored container.

If you want to grow it in soil, well-drained, rich potting soil is best. It needs to stay moist but not soaking at all times. Use organic fertilizer when needed; salts and high phosphorus concentrations in synthetic fertilizers can cause deterioration. Also, you can be sure your soil drains well by simply adding some small rocks to the bottom of the pot.

Where to keep the plant at home?

The plant does best in sunlight but direct bright sunlight is also harmful. Find a place where sunlight comes from a window. Keep it away from air conditioners.
Keep an eye on how much light the plant gets, if anything, too little light is better than too much. While you’re gone, turn the air off, too. It’ll be nicer for the plant if it’s a little warmer.
As the seasons change, you may want to move the plant. Take it away from any windows if you’re unsure. It’ll still get plenty of light in the center of a room.

Lucky bamboo care

The plant is very sensitive to chemicals like fluoride and chlorine so the bottled water is the best.
If you are using the tap water then keep it out for 30 minutes so that the chemicals will evaporate. And change the water every week.

Your lucky Bamboo plant doesn’t need a lot of water. In fact, too much is bad for it. Water your plant about once a week and ensure that there are a few inches at all times, enough to cover the roots.
If you have soil in your pot, make sure that it’s not too moist or dry. Your bamboo plant can live well in just water, so over soiling or fertilizing can actually harm it.

Sometimes the ends of your leaves might turn yellow. This could be caused by a few factors: your plant isn’t getting enough water, there’s too much soil or fertilizer, or too much direct sunlight. You can trim off the yellow parts, or remove the whole leaf.

If your plant’s some stems have grown too large cut them and plant them again that will make an equal-sized plant.

How to grow a lucky bamboo plant

For growing a plant there are some most important factors like light, water, soil, etc that affect the growth process same with this plant also. There are certain growing conditions your lucky bamboo needs to be healthy, such as proper light, water, potting media, fertilizer, and temperature.

As I already told you the plant doesn’t need direct light. Avoid direct sunlight as it will scorch the leaves. They are more tolerant of too little light than too much. If the plant begins to stretch, however, or the green fades, provide more light.

If you are planting it in the soil then keep the soil moist but not soaking. Additionally, it can thrive well when housed in pebbles or simply a vase filled with water, as long as it has at least an inch of standing water at all times.

The plant works well with distilled water. Healthy lucky bamboo roots are red, so don’t be alarmed in a glass vase if you can see red roots. If growing in a water vase, change the water weekly to avoid any diseases.

The plant prefers a warm environment, so keep it away from AC or cooler. A normal temperature room would be best for the plant.

A single drop of liquid fertilizer each month is plenty for most lucky bamboo arrangements, and plants grown in water will only need to be fed every other month or so, using a very weak liquid fertilizer. Alternatively, specialty lucky bamboo fertilizers are available.

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Benefits of a lucky bamboo plant

Following are some benefits of the plant :

  • It destroys the negative energy from the house.
  • As I have written earlier it brings goodwill and prosperity to the house.
  • This plant has great decorative purposes and requires little maintenance. It prefers areas with sufficient natural light and enjoys damp soil as often as possible. So, watering it with regularity will allow it to maintain its beauty and grow healthy.
  • It brings positive energy to the house.
  • It allows the energy to flow from within into the outside world, creating a peaceful and calm environment.
  • In the living room, it is best to keep the plant at a coffee table, side table so that its positive will flow in the house.
  • In an office, a Lucky Bamboo plant with 6 stalks is most recommended, as it promotes wealth.
  • Offering a Lucky Bamboo plant as a gift will increase the luck of the person receiving the gift. So, it can be a great gift to someone you love or care about.
  • Earlier in the article, I have written a different number of stems meaning in Chinese culture so you can choose the number of stems accordingly.
  • And most importantly it is a natural thing that will be placed around all the artificial things so it will help you to connect with nature.

In short, the Lucky bamboo plant removes negative energy, brings wisdom brings happiness, a long and healthy life, and prosperity in one’s life.

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