Forming and running a company or a business takes a lot of effort when it comes to employees. Employees shape the company’s performance and how much a brand lives up to its motto. Almost every company would want the best qualifications for their job roles! Finding the correct type of people for hire is a highly daunting task. 

To assist such complex recruitment processes, there are several Labour hire companies in many parts of Australia. These services help major companies hire the right people for their organisation by either providing them or finding them. Such services become vital as almost 2.2 million Aussies want to work but do not have work. Furthermore, the Australian Bureau of Statistics reports that roughly 1.7 million people are ready to perform any job and standby! 

What is Labour Hire?

Labour hire is a popular concept in Australia that has gained traction over the recent years. Labour hire companies are middle-man, non-standard employment services that hire labourers to connect them to other businesses so that they can work for that business. Typically, the services that perform labour-hire are called hosts. 

This is a very popular form of loose employment in Australia. Reports show that almost 2.3 million casual employees reported being registered with a hiring service to acquire a job! What’s more? There are over 1 million independent hiring contractors or ‘hosts’ in Australia! 

The pattern is that the employees officially work with the hiring company, so their boss is the hiring company’s head. This position has the right to decide where the employees work and dismiss them if need be. The boss is the one who also pays staff and drafts the contract for the employee to work in an organisation. 

Most staff in such hiring companies are casual employees, meaning they do not have a promised source of work throughout, but it largely depends on whether the company that they were allotted to are happy with their work or not. The added advantage with hire companies is that they send out replaceable workers. If a company is unhappy with a labour’s services, they can simply post a complaint and ask for a replacement. It is up to the host’s preference as to how to proceed from there.

Sectors in Hiring

  • Warehouse and Logistics: Packers, Movers and logistics managers are all roles offered under this label. Labour hiring services help companies find the perfect people to fill warehouses and move fragile things with ease. These services carry the promise of a top-notch skillset when they offer employees. 
  • Construction Recruitment: If an organisation is looking for civil engineers, CEOs, architects, cement mixers or other on-site employees, then this is the sector one is looking for. Project managers and safety officers also come under this. 
  • Industrial Recruitment: Most types of manual work falls under this category. Agriculture, mining, construction and all other types of manual labour comprise industrial recruitment. Most Labour hire companies have a database that they sift through to find the people that match the qualification needed. 
  • Hospitality Recruitment: Hospitality recruitment is a vital sector in Australia. This becomes even more crucial near the outbacks, where a lot of foreigners make stops. Chefs, sous chefs, cleaners, waiters, receptionists, etc., all fall under this category.
  • Professional Recruitment: This is for white-collar jobs. CEOs, COOs, HRs and general managers are all under this category. Such hiring services have a professional recruitment team that goes through their catalogue of resumes to find the best fit for the organisations. 

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