4 Types of Beach Towels to Choose From

A trip to the beach is fantastic, and who doesn’t like to swim, surf, and play with sand. A beach vacation is great for families as well, the kids can play in the water and sand, and adults can rest and get some tan. A beach is a place where you can go anytime and have lots of fun with your friends or family.

While visiting a beach, you need to pack all the required items to enjoy a proper vacation. And making a packing list for a trip to the beach requires a little bit of a different strategy than other kinds of trips. For one, you need preventive measures like sunglasses, hats, sunscreen, etc., and if you are going with kids, you may need some more items for the trip. One of the most important items for a beach vacation is the beach towels. One can’t afford to forget beach towels for beach vacations. And make sure you get those best beach towels available in the market for a happy and relaxing holiday.

Beach towels come in different sizes and shapes, and you need to get the right one for you. The classification is done based on fabric type and quality as well.

The beach towels can be classified in the following ways:

1.Cotton Beach Towel

The 100% cotton terry cloth is one of the top-class beach towels in the market. When people hear cotton beach towels, this is what comes to their mind, as people traditionally use terry cloth for beach trips.

The cotton towels have the ability to absorb water quickly and are very comfy on the skin. If you want more comfort, Turkish cotton is the best for your skin, and because of this property, some towels are made of 100% Turkish cotton as well. Not just the cotton, beach towels made of yarn are also very comfy to use. You can find a thousand designs and sizes of cotton beach towels.

2.Microfibre Beach Towels

If you are looking for a fast-drying towel, faster than the cotton ones, you should buy microfibre beach towels. The microfibre towels have the ability to dry themselves quickly and be ready for reuse within a few minutes. And these benefits and their affordability are making microfibre beach towels the new favorite of beachgoers.

3.Sand-Free Microfibre Towels

Nobody likes to bring a pile of sand to their home, and it is not comfortable to have sticky sand particles on your towel. If your beach bag is getting filled by the sand, it is time to change the towel. And a sand-free towel is the best option you have for this issue.

4.Quick-Dry Microfibre Towels

A damp beach towel is not the favorite of anyone. It is not ideal to have a wet towel in your beach bag, and it’s also bad for the other stuff in the bag. Many use the beach towel as a wraparound sometimes, and a wet towel is not suitable for it. Here, the quick-dry microfibre towel comes in handy and helps you clean up faster and drys itself quickly.

These towels are the best beach towels in the market, but remember to be kind to the environment and only buy eco-friendly beach towels that are made with sourced cotton. The sourced cotton is grown using the measures to ensure the manufacturer follows the Better Cotton initiative guidelines.

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