Unity In Diversity In India – What This Phrase Is All About?

In India, there are some phrases that we grow by hearing. One of them is Unity in Diversity in India. You may also have used it in some way. But do you know what justifies the patriotic phrase? Who coined the phrase Unity in Diversity? When and where should it be used? If not, you will be aware of all these questions after reading this guide. So, let’s get into the information.

What You Should Know About Unity In Diversity In India?

India is a country that believes in the co-existence of people of different cast, race, gender, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, physical ability, age, political beliefs, religious beliefs, or other ideologies. It always has the ideology of giving value and respect to one’s individuality of matter of anything. In short, it is the degree or measure of the difference in statement characteristics. The functions of the defined groups are similar. All-in-all, you can understand unity in diversity in India through various live examples.

How India Proves Unity In Diversity A Truth ?

The diversity of India unites all cultures, religions, and customs. India has mentioned its name in the list of most diversified countries globally. It has given a successful example of different and complex fusion identities staying together.

 India is one of the most diverse countries globally, and it is also the most complex fusion of different cultural identities. Let’s get into the real examples that prove unity in diversity in India.

  1. India is the birthplace of Hinduism, Sikhism, Jainism, and Buddhism. For centuries, many people worldwide have emigrated and settled in India to bring religions such as Christianity, Judaism, Zoroastrianism, and Islam.
  2. For a long time, India has been ruled by various rulers belonging to different religions and cultures. The beliefs and practices of all rulers or emperors still exist in the country.
  3. People of only a single race did not live in the Indian subcontinent but experienced many immigrants worldwide. These immigrants have contributed to the ethnic diversity of India.
  4. India has various geographical barriers that are difficult to overcome and lead to isolation. It led to the independent development of breeds in the country.
  5. Politics, business, and business practices have a unique set of rules and policies contributing to various social and cultural traditions.
  6. India is one of the oldest civilized societies in the world. As time passed, it developed many social institutions in its way.

Now, let’s get into more details and find out who has given this phrase Unity in Diversity and how it came into existence.

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Here’s Who Coined The Phrase Unity In Diversity & When

Jawaharlal Nehru brings the phrase “unity in diversity in India” into existence. This word is easy to describe in India. Although India has multiple languages, religions, castes, creeds, and other languages, it has a sense of unity among people. The First Prime Minister of the country has also penned it in his book “Discovery of India.” This concept and related phrases are ancient and can be traced back to ancient times in ancient Western and Eastern cultures. Indigenous peoples and Taoist societies in North America used the unity of diversity from 400-500 BC.

From Then To Now- The Usage of Phrase In Different Ways

The dominant Western culture exists in certain organic concepts of the universe in its inherent form, developed in ancient Greek and Roman civilizations. “Unity in diversity” is a famous slogan used to narrate differences and yet coexistence and happiness. It is an expression of harmony and unity between individuals and groups. This phrase is a deliberate contradiction word, a decorative combination of two antonyms, “unity and diversity.” You may have seen using politicians often using the phrase in their speeches to promote federalism and multiculturalism. It is a significant concept is an effective way to solve various social problems. It is possible because different people know each other. As a result, it increases mutual respect between people.


Diversified unity is beneficial for diverse countries. The notion has contributed to people’s existence of different religions, cultures, and castes peacefully. Jawaharlal Nehru believes that unity of diversity in India is a significant truth and its examples are visible in every way.

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